On Boxing I got myself an XBOX 360 it came in a budle pack with viva piniata and forza 2, I havent opened them because they look like shit, so I wanna sell them and maybe get another game for it. It just feels wierd coz its been a while since my last console (which was a gamecube) and most games I play were on pc.
I wanted to get Assassins Creed but all shops I went to didnt have it and other shops were closing. Today I went to work and I was looking around for Assassins Creed but still nothing, I really wanna play it. So I ended up buying Bio-Shock which is an awesome game, its starting to get a bit hard, but still im loving it. I love the design of the big daddys they look really cool, the only thing is they just take long to kill.
Games Im looking forward to is GTA IV, Halo 3, Gears Of War 1 and 2 (if it does come out) Assassins Creed and others